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plastic waste
Pagina 2 din 3
Which countries are flooding our oceans with the most plastic waste
21 Februarie 2023
Single-use plastic production continues to increase globally despite...
13 Februarie 2023
Some of the plastic waste in the ocean gets consumed by bacteria,...
31 Ianuarie 2023
How solar power can help us eliminate plastic waste and greenhouse gases
15 Ianuarie 2023
How AI can help us protect our ecosystems from all types of waste
22 Decembrie 2022
England to ban the use of single-use plastic cutlery and plates
16 Decembrie 2022
We can now recycle all types of plastic thanks to these two companies
14 Decembrie 2022
Big brands could miss target regarding plastic waste management
13 Decembrie 2022
Big companies won't hit their targets regarding a reduction in plastic use
4 Noiembrie 2022
Bacteria can turn plastic waste into biomedical products. Here's how
26 Octombrie 2022
Plastic waste: What it is and why we need to eliminate it
4 Octombrie 2022
Fish-like robots could help us reduce plastic waste found in oceans
19 Iulie 2022
Plastic recycling isn't enough to reduce what ends up as waste
15 Iulie 2022
California forces new measures to fight plastic pollution
8 Iulie 2022
Corporation "greenwashing": the reality that hides under environment...
5 Iulie 2022
How Canada wants to solve the single-use plastic problem
28 Iunie 2022
Superworms could be the secret weapon in fighting plastic waste
14 Iunie 2022
Satellite imagery and AI could solve the plastic waste problem
11 Mai 2022