As per ABC News, Jet Zero Australia managing director Ed Mason pointed to the sources making ethanol in Australia, saying that "one is agricultural by-products, such as starch from wheat, as well as molasses from sugarcane."
"We have to get people to supply us with ethanol, and to grow the industry we have to demonstrate that this is a feasible business, that there is demand for the products", he added.
Some experts hope that this new opportunity will get others on the wagon, such as sugar producers from the Mackay area.
Kylie Porter, CEO of the Greater Whitsunday Alliance, said that "I think that this announcement is a real testament to the legacy of the sugar industry. This announcement means that finally all of this great work that we've been doing across this region and across the sugar industry, is really starting to be recognised as being high value to how the world decarbonises."
Dan Galligan, CEO at Canegrowers, said that "growing an ethanol industry and [turning] ethanol into sustainable aviation fuel, that's actually the ideal scenario", pointing that direct implication from major aerospace companies will help the industry evolve rapidly.
"What you're seeing by the major airlines and manufacturing and fuel companies is they can see the need for this product coming online", he added.
Any thoughts?