As per ESG Today, Sustainability Manager is part of Microsoft’s Cloud for Sustainability platform, unveiled in 2021 and aimed at enabling companies to record, report and reduce their emissions.

One of the new capabilities added to the Sustainability Manager includes an "what-if" scenario AI-powered forecast solution, which assesses the potential impact some business decisions might have on a company's emissions output. This can enable managers make the best business decisions, that don't sacrifice profit, nor sustainability.

Shefy Manayil Kareem, General Manager, Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, said that "with the emergence of generative AI, Microsoft Sustainability Manager continues to expand at a rapid pace, enabling an unprecedented level of interaction, analysis, and insight to help you make informed, data-driven decisions and drive change."

Microsoft also added an extension of Sustainable Manager's "key influencer" feature for water and waste management, which was announced back in 2023 and helps companies lower their environmental impact based on water and waste management.