ESG Today writes that Just Climate was founded back in 2021 by Generation Investment Management, a sustainability-focused VC, whose president is former US vice president Al Gore. Just Climate aims to offer solutions to companies and projects that work in hard-to-abate sectors and places on Earth, where decarbonization is no easy task.
The company is looking for climate solutions in sectors such as farming, industry and energy.
Clara Barby, Senior Partner of Just Climate, said that "we start with climate impact, identify solutions that will make the biggest difference, and then direct and scale institutional capital to those solutions that we believe can generate attractive risk-adjusted returns."
Microsoft's Climate Innovation Fund is among the first companies who invested in Just Climate, while Harvard Management Company joined in the mission later on.
Shaun Kingsbury, Chief Investment Officer of Just Climate, said that "more than 50% of the world’s emissions come from the hard-to-abate industries. Without radical and urgent changes to the way that the financial sector approaches the decarbonization challenge in these industries, which are the building blocks of our economy, there will be no net zero by 2050."
Any thoughts?