As per, average temperatures in April were 0.67 degrees Celsius warmer in 2024 than they were between 1991 and 2020 and 0.14 degrees Celsius above the previous record established in 2016. Europe saw 1.49 degrees Celsius higher numbers in the thermometers compared to the average between 1991 and 2020, making it the second-warmest April on the continent. Eastern European countries experienced warmer days, while Nordic states saw below-average temperatures.

Global sea surface temperatures were also unusually high in April, at 21.04 Celsius, compared to 21.07 Celsius in March. This can't quite be attributed to El Niño, as the phenomenon started to weaken overall.

Carlo Buontempo, Director of Copernicus Climate Change Service, said that "whilst temperature variations associated with natural cycles like El Niño come and go, the extra energy trapped into the ocean and the atmosphere by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases will keep pushing the global temperature towards new records."

North-western, central and north-eastern European regions saw more rainfall than usual in April, while the rest of the regions, including the Mediterranean and the western Balkans, were drier than normal, continuing the drought streak in states such as Spain and Italy.