ESG Today writes that the company will also use funding from the US Department of Energy (DOE), as well as existing revenues in order to launch its own high-performance, biodegradable polymers. Chemists at ZymoChem use microbes to convert renewable feedstocks into sustainable alternatives for the packaging industry, but not only.

Company officials say that their process is currently very competitive from the price stand-point and offer higher yields when compared to other petroleum-alternative solutions on the market.

Harshal Chokhawala, Co-Founder and CEO of ZymoChem said that "our technology delivers sustainability without compromising performance, scale, and importantly economics. This unlock already catalyzed multiple partnerships with world-leading companies and we’re thrilled to expand our impact with our key stakeholders."

Bioscience-focused Breakout Ventures led the 21 million USD funding round, which saw participation from Toyota Ventures and GS Futures. Lindy Fishburne, Managing Partner at Breakout said that "ZymoChem has the most compelling technology we’ve seen to scale bio-based chemicals and materials while remaining cost competitive with petroleum-derived products."