According to BGR, the company claims that the energy stored below Earth's crust could be a source of clean energy that we can use and it can be found in large quantities.

Quaise Energy wants to drill about 20 kilometers in Earth's crust where they can find the energy source that could supply entire cities.

First, the company must find a way to dig 20 kilometers inside the Earth, because that implies drilling through various types of hard rocks.

Then, there is the issue presented by heat and pressure, since the deeper we go into our planet's crust, the more both of these factors grow, making it pretty much impossible to use machinery currently available at those kinds of depths.

Quaise Energy has an ace up their sleeve, in the form of a "gyrotron-powered drilling platform" (a gyrotron is a class of high-power linear-beam vaccum tubes that generates millimeter-wave electromagnetic waves by the cyclotron resonance of electrons in a strong magnetic field), which is a millimeter-wave drilling system.

Scientists have theorized on this idea for many years, but the company was apparently able to do it, and the process basically implies sending high-frequency waves through the rock, which heats it up and vaporizes it.

Quaise plans to drill as deep as it can using the traditional machinery, and one the rock becomes too hard, they'll switch to their modern system.

Many companies have started to look for virtually unlimited energy sources, such as nuclear fusion and geothermal energy, but these are only theories yet to be proven.

It's not clear yet if the company will be able to achieve its goals, since the team has been quiet about how viable their solution is, but if they are able to make it, this could mean that we will potentially have new clean energy sources to exploit.

Quaise Energy said that it wants to get the first millimeter-wave drilling platform ready by 2024.