The accelerated melting of Earth's ice shelves, "alarming" for scientists

Researchers recently warned that over the past 25 years, 40% of Antarctica's ice shelves have significantly shrunk, with the losses being beyond their normal fluctuations and can be partly blamed on human-induced climate change. writes that 71 of Antarctica's 162 ice shelves lost mass between 1997 and 2021 and experts at the European Space Agency (ESA) claim that the findings are "alarming".

Moreover, the fluctuations which normally occur within the ice shelves are at a higher level now and significantly more ice is melting.

Benjamin Davison, research fellow at the University of Leeds, said that "we expected most ice shelves to go through cycles of rapid, but short-lived shrinking, then to regrow slowly."

"Instead, we see that almost half of them are shrinking with no sign of recovery", he added.

During the 25-year analyzed time-frame, 48 of Antarctica's ice shelves lost over 30% of their mass, while 29 shelves gained mass and 62 didn't change.

Melting ice in the arctic regions is responsible for one-third of the global average in rising sea levels since 1993, experts say.

NASA researchers also claim that two-thirds of Earth's freshwater reserves are stored within the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.

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