Saudi Arabia could soon begin building its first nuclear reactors

Saudi Arabia officials are looking at nuclear power as an alternative to the polluting fossil-based power plants that the country is currently using to provide its necessary power.

According to Nuclear Power Daily, Saudi Arabia's energy minister said that the country will try to develop its own civil nuclear program with the help of its uranium resources.

In 2018, Saudi Arabia officials said that they want to reduce the country's dependence on oil and for that, they were going to build 16 nuclear reactors in the next two decades, a project worth some 80 billion USD.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's energy minister, said that "recent exploration activities revealed the presence of diverse sources of uranium in various locations."

Argentina built a small nuclear reactor for Saudi Arabia, but its purpose is more for demonstration and training of the technicians, rather than generating power.

Saudi Arabia officials also want their nuclear projects to be as clean as possible, so they will also pay attention to proper waste management.

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