That is a similar percentage as in Central and Eastern Europe and worldwide.
Although interest in ESG is growing, long-term business strategies continue to be driven by non-financial indicators of day-to-day business performance, such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement or digitalisation.
You can read the findings of the CEO Survey 2022 here.
Thus, 30% of Romanian CEOs say their organisations are working on CO2 reduction strategies, but 40% have no such commitment.
According to a recent study by Strategy &, the global strategy department in the PwC network, among 1,640 listed companies, although only one-third (29.8%) of global companies have Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs), the number CSO positions opened in 2021 was higher than the cumulative one in 2016 and 2020.
This evolution shows us that more and more companies are aware of the importance of ESG - the acronym already known for Environmental, Social & Governance which designates the new non-financial reporting requirements.
Any thoughts?