Telekom Mobile connects its base stations to renewable energy

Telekom Romania Mobile is planning to replace the current power sources with renewable energy sources by connecting its base stations to solar panels. This will allow the company to considerably reduce the carbon imprint of the company for the following years.

“The effects of climate change are already visible and we aim to bring our contribution in building a sustainable future for our Planet. Climate protection is one of the core pillars in our strategy and we act on it”, said Florina Tănase, Chief Human Resources, Legal, and External Affairs Officer Telekom Romania Mobile.

Since 2015, Telekom Mobile has been installing photovoltaic panels, accelerating this process year after year. So far, solar panels have been installed on more than 300 GSM antennas. The sites where the panels are deployed are located all over Romania, in large urban settlements or smaller rural ones.

For this year, Telekom Romania Mobile has planned investments that will lead to a doubling of the number of sites using solar panel systems. The company is committed to continuing the programme until all feasible locations benefit from green energy solutions.

Following the implementation of the panels, the energy consumption of the respective mobile can decrease up 90%, depending on the meteorological conditions. The difference to 100% is represented by the air conditioning cooling systems that still use the energy from the national electricity system and other location specific constraints.

“With practically zero carbon emissions, Telekom Mobile’s base stations working on renewable energy will considerably reduce also the costs of power, contributing to a better cost efficiency of the company”, said Nicolas Mahler, Chief Financial Officer Telekom Romania Mobile Communications.

The solar panels convert the natural light radiation to electric energy. They just need light, being able to function no matter the weather conditions, albeit in smaller quantities when it is cloudy.

The principle of operation of photovoltaic panels and photovoltaic installation is based on the photoelectric effect, respectively the transformation of solar energy ("photon") into electricity ("volt").

This in turn, using specific electrical and electronic devices (dedicated), ends up being transferred through the local electrical distribution network of the site to the electricity consumer.

In order to determine whether a site is compatible with the photovoltaic panel solution, the engineering experts perform a preliminary analysis in the office, followed by physical field visit in order to verify the locations. “In this way, we can see if the locations are compatible from a technical and commercial point of view", said Georgel Ivan, Head Of Power Solutions Office, within the Telekom Mobile’s Technology team. “After the initial assessments, we also evaluate and ensure that implementing the solution that will have a maximum positive impact on the network from technical perspective but as well as Social responsibility: CO2 Emissions avoided, and reducing the pollution”, added Georgel Ivan.

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