Romanian based Tranzy encourages a more efficient public transportation system startup provides public transportation operators in Romania and Republic of Moldova with a platform that automates much of their daily planning and operating activities for thousands of vehicles and resources involved in passenger transport in 3 cities in Romania, plus Chișinău, Republic of Moldova.

Founded in 2020, collaborates with public transportation companies and authorities in Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Botoșani, and Chișinău, based on a free-to-use business model.

This means that provides transportation operators with free access to its platform and essential features for organizing activities, operations, daily processes, and informing citizens.

At the same time, it develops solutions, applications, and functionalities related to transportation processes, facilitating better organization of resources (vehicles, drivers, stations, garages, etc.) and digitizing the activities of public transportation companies. 

Some examples of such products are already implemented in cities where the platform is used – a passenger information solution in stations (digital information panels) – with an audio accessibility feature for the visually impaired soon to be launched, a live map with routes and real-time positions of vehicles assigned to routes, a solution for generating departure times for each station, as well as a series of reports and statistics that the platform can generate and which can optimize routes, vehicles, schedules, and timetables.

The mobile app for travelers – - is an example of functionality that the platform provides for free, by processing data from its own solutions, third-party solutions, and real-time operation by public transportation companies and authorities. is used by over 152,000 daily travelers in Iași, Cluj-Napoca and, as of March, in Botoșani and Chișinău.

Open Data portal

Public Open Data refers to data that can be accessed, used, reused, and redistributed freely and openly by anyone interested - subject only, at most, to the requirement of attribution and distribution under similar conditions.

The data provided by includes vehicle and all related real-time details (stations, routes, etc.).

This data can be accessed at In addition to these publicly available open data sets, there will also be a series of Private Open Data (such as proprietary processed data) available for free to those who can complete specific challenges, launched by municipalities or public transport operators.

"The philosophy of focuses on the common good and on the action of doing good first, and we strongly believe that providing free and equal access to transportation data is much more valuable to us as a society than using them exclusively for an apparent competitive advantage, regardless of ownership. Furthermore, by adopting and implementing an Open Data policy at the city level, resilient over time and politically neutral, local authorities can digitize daily public-facing operations transparently, without being locked in by one supplier or another. In practice, this is what does by opening the ecosystem of services for everyone – placing citizens at the center of urban development, accelerating digitalization processes for better results and reduced public spending, while encouraging constructive competition, involving both the academic and business environments (where we at also belong) as well as stimulating a community of professional and amateur developers with civic inclinations and shared values with, to deliver new solutions for the benefit of citizens", says Doru Chirica, Co-founder & CEO at offers transport operators, free to use, a suite of solutions specific to public transport activities, such as: fleet management/AVL software, mobile app for dispatchers, route-related alerts generation solution, the application that transforms the digitalized processes and operations of public transport operators into benefits, and the open data portal (Public Open Data).

At the same time, aligns with the European Commission's practices and recommendations regarding transportation and urban mobility, as highlighted by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) in the New EU Urban Mobility Framework (COM/2021/811). With the prospect of large-scale automation of mobility in Europe, enables the creation and open access to a multimodal network that serves citizens' interests by intelligently connecting mobility solutions to the platform and by using innovative artificial intelligence on open data. is a Romanian based startup that develops and integrates software and hardware solutions aimed at digitizing urban mobility services. 

It provides public transport operators with a platform for digitizing and managing urban mobility processes, based on advanced calculation algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. acts as a collaborative platform in the urban mobility digitization process, fostering an equitable environment where all stakeholders involved in building smart cities and transport development can cooperate and compete under a fair and unified set of rules. was founded in 2020 by Doru Chirica (CEO) and Ștefan Holicov (CFO), from Iași, who have been partners and colleagues for 17 years in another business in the media/tech and SaaS (software as a service) services area, where they have come to understand the complex processes behind public transport operations.

Doru Chirica has a background in marcom and digital signage as well as strategy and new business management, while Ștefan Holicov is a serial entrepreneur with experience in the tech domain with applicability in the education sector, among other things, laying the groundwork for an integrated educational platform in Romanian schools and high schools.

To date, 20 members - software engineers, IT technicians, urban mobility and digitization specialists - have resonated with's vision and joined the team, with the mission of improving urban mobility in the cities and metropolitan areas, and a solid plan to know how to turn it all into reality.

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