Repair, reuse, repeat

In a recent interview, I talked to someone at Fairphone, the company that creates smartphones that you can repair yourself, whether it's the battery, the screen or a speaker that needs replacement.

This letter accompanied the newsletter we've sent out on the 6th of April. You can also discover the sustainable businesses of the future on Green Start-Up by subscribing to our newsletter here.

I was taken back in time when I saw how easy the back panel and the battery came out, basically within seconds. This, I thought at the time, would solve a big issue in the smartphone industry, that of degraded batteries, which is the reason why some people replace their smartphones. Any further repairs require just a few screws, a new affordable part that you can buy directly from the company and that's it, you basically have a brand-new phone.

This is just Fairphone going the extra mile, I'm sure most people would be happy with just a new battery every now and then. Just think about how much less waste the telecom industry would produce if phones would have easily-replaceable batteries, like they once did.

This goes for your computer as well, if it has replaceable parts, you should definitely take the time upgrade and fix it yourself. Not only is it going to save you money, for the most part, but you'll also become more experienced when it comes to working with various devices.

Most importantly, if something doesn't serve you right anymore, think about someone close to you, like a friend or a family member, that can make use of your phone or laptop.

I, for example, gave a lot of things to my dad, phones, laptops and even a TV, which he uses to this day and is very happy with. When they finally break or aren't good enough for his uses anymore, he donates them further.

So, I think that I owe it to him that I've become so aware of what happens to my old belongings and how to make the most out of them even when they reach their end of life.

Who do you usually give away your old belongings, like your smartphone or laptop?

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