Recycle your old phone. It feels good

As some of you out there, I had many phones in my drawer that I haven't used in years, actually decades. Not all were mine, of course, many of them belonged to my parents and with a recent opportunity, I convinced them that enough is enough and we need to get rid of them, the proper way.

This letter accompanied the newsletter we've sent out on the 25th of May. You can also discover the sustainable businesses of the future on Green Start-Up by subscribing to our newsletter here.

So, I took them to the office, where we had an electronics recycling bin for phones and batteries provided by a carrier and I took great advantage of that. In total, I sent five or six phones and as many chargers on their last way to the recycling facility, where they are to be disassembled and repurposed into new products.

It felt good, not only to finally let go of the old and dusty phones, but also do so in a way that I know won't damage the planet, not nearly as much as just throwing them in the trash can.

I already recycled batteries and some packaging around the house, but now I found out that some operators in Romania offer the possibility to recycle your old smart or dumb phone, for a reward or not. Honestly, I didn't want any reward and quite frankly,

I couldn't even get a six-pack for these old devices anyway, but what I wanted to do was to put my money where my mouth is at Green Start-Up and be as sustainable and as planet-friendly as I can be, even though I am not perfect, either.

So now here is my challenge for you. If you have an older phone, smart or not and you don't want to make money by selling or trading it in, don't let the chips fall where they may do and take that valuable device to a recycling center or your carrier and let its last breath spark new digital life.

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