OMV Petrom Foundation: 2 million euro to fight infant mortality in Romania

OMV Petrom, one of the main energy companies in South-Eastern Europe, launched today, April 7th, the OMV Petrom Foundation, in order to build programs and support long term social investments in Romania.

Christina Verchere, CEO OMV Petrom said that "starting 2007, we spent 80 million euro on social projects in Romania. Today, we launch the OMV Petrom Foundation, with the mission to help Romania become more sustainable and equitable. We will support this process through investments and expertise."

According to the press release by OMV Petrom, the Foundation's objective is to bring change into three key domains for Romania: environment, education and health.

The OMV Foundation launched today, April 7th, its first project, called "Împreună din prima zi", for which the foundation spent 2 million euro for three important investments in order to reduce infant mortality in Romania:

  • 6 next generation incubators for the SMURD helicopters.
  • 1 million euro for projects started by Salvați Copii, to better equip Romanian maternities;
  • The purchase of a mobile intensive therapy unit for newborns for the Marie Curie Children Hospital in Bucharest, the first of its kind in Romania;
  • The modernization of the Marie Curie Children Hospital and the SMURD helicopters is being done with the help of Inima Copiilor Association.

Ana-Maria Mihăescu - chair of the OMV Petrom Foundation said: "Premature newborns or very ill ones need to be taken care of and transported in special conditions. We invest 2 million euro to modernize the intensive therapy units for the Romanian maternities and we also modernize the transportation system of newborns. through this, we hope to reduce infant mortality in Romania, which is one of the highest in the European Union."

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