Nature is the collateral victim of military conflicts

The war between Russia and Ukraine not only affected the life of millions of people, but nature itself. Experts are worried that 1.24 million hectares of national parks have been affected by the conflict. writes that the ongoing war also takes its toll on 3 million hectares of forests and 450.000 of it are under occupation or in combat zones. Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe and Ukrainian NGO Ecoaction made a map showing the environmental damage caused by the conflict.

Yevheniia Zasiadko from Ecoaction said that "war affects our nature just as badly as our people and our infrastructure. However, this damage remains unseen and mostly ignored, for the environment is the silent victim."

She explained that it will take a long time for nature to recover once the war will be finally over, adding that "the Ukrainian government promises to rebuild our homeland - and the environment is part of what has to be rebuilt."

The map that shows the environmental damage caused so far by the conflict can be viewed here.

Denys Tsutsaiev, Greenpeace CEE campaigner in Kyiv, said that "nature recovery will need tools, expertise and commitment, as well as significant funds. Those funds should be allocated already, not when the war is finished."

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