Mushrooms can help us remove large chunks of carbon, scientists say

Fungi-filled forests can be an ingenious way to remove carbon emissions and one that companies can use to offset their climate impact, researchers suggest.

According to, carbon removal technologies come as we need to remove around 100 gigatons of CO2 emissions by the end of this century, if we want to keep global warming under that 1.5 degrees Celsius mark.

Funga is a company that believes we can use fungal networks to keep our forests healthy, as well as to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere.

Dr Colin Averill, who's been studying these networks for the better part of the last 15 years, says that "these microscopic organisms have profound effects on forest growth and carbon capture that until now have been overlooked as a way to accelerate natural climate solutions while also restoring essential microbial biodiversity to our soils."

There is a wide variety of fungal microbes, which is why the company is using modern DNA technology, as well as machine learning algorithms to be able to place the right species in the right spot, so we can have the best chance of removing carbon emissions.

Azolla Ventures, a venture capital that invests in climate solutions, led a funding round that brought Funga 3.7 million euros, which the company will use to perfect its software-based solutions, as well as to extend its fungi restauration projects.

Company officials claim that a long-term objective is the capture of three billion tons of CO2 emissions by 2050.

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