How Coldplay managed to cut its concert-carbon-footprint by 47% in one year

After announcing last year that they are partnering with One Tree Planted for their Music Of The Spheres Tour, in order to reduce the band's carbon emissions output, Coldplay members now shared the first results in anticipation to the sustainable concerts that they will host this year.

Last year we wrote about Coldplay's pledge to support sustainable practices through its partnership with One Tree Planted, which supports reforestation efforts in the Făgăraș Mountains, as the organization already planted around 5 million trees in Brazil, Haiti, California and the Andes.

"When we first announced the Music Of The Spheres Tour, we hoped to make it as environmentally beneficial as possible and reduce our direct carbon emissions (from show production, freight, band and crew travel) by 50%; some things work and some things need improving", Coldplay members shared on the band's website.

Data from the first 12 months of the tour has now been compiled and validated by experts, such as Prof. John E. Fernandez of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative. So far, the Music Of The Spheres Tour generated 47% less CO2e emissions compared to the band's previous stadium-hosted tour, which took place between 2016 and 2017 and while the effort so far has proven effective, the members believe that they could still improve on it.

For the second year of the Music Of The Spheres Tour, Coldplay implemented some new measures, which should allow for the further reduction of its carbon footprint.

Band members added that "we’ve started to run the entire show (audio, lights, lasers etc) from an electric battery system that allows us to use 100% renewable energy as efficiently as possible. We have been using electric vehicles and alternative fuels wherever we can, as well as reducing waste and plastic usage to a minimum."

Coldplay will host concerts in Romania, as well, this year, on the 12th and 13th of June.

As a quarter of the world's medicine are produced with the help of trees, One Tree Planted believes that reforestation efforts will benefit us beyond carbon capture and oxygen output. The initiative supports all of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, three of them directly: sustainable cities and communities, climate action and life on land.

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