Aviation companies, compensating emissions for climate neutrality

Since the aviation sector needs to go net-zero soon in order to stop contributing to global warming and electric planes aren't yet a viable option for commercial planes, companies might resort to another option, which involves direct carbon capture credits.

According to Clean Tehnica, some airlines and even aerospace company Airbus have decided to invest in Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS).

Air Canada, Lufthansa Group and easyJet are among the companies that have signed Letters of Intent "to explore opportunities for a future supply of carbon removal credits from direct air carbon capture technology."

Carbon removal credits allow companies to operate as they did until now, but partners who sell these credits have to offset the carbon footprint through climate actions, such as carbon capture, planting trees.

Instead of capturing the emissions coming from a plane's engines, which is a very difficult process, the companies' partners will aim to capture and store about as much carbon emissions as the plane releases per one flight.

While DACCS is not exactly a proven technology in this regard, these companies have agreed that it is gives them the best shot at reducing the carbon footprint, while Airbus added that its implementation will complement the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel-based aircraft.

DACCS isn't ready yet and probably won't be in the near future either, the airliners will opt for purchasing carbon removal credits starting 2025 in order to offset their emissions.

These credits will be provided by Airbus' partner 1PointFive, as the French aerospace company plans to purchase some 400.000 tons of carbon removal credits over the next four years.

Julie Kitcher, Airbus Executive Vice President of Communications and Corporate Affairs, said that "we are already seeing strong interest from airlines to explore affordable and scalable carbon removals. These first letters of intent mark a concrete step towards the use of this promising technology for both Airbus’ own decarbonization plan and the aviation sector’s ambition to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050."

At the same time, 1PointFive President Michael Avery said that "we’re excited to partner with Airbus. Carbon removal credits from direct air capture offer a practical, near-term and lower cost pathway that enables the aviation industry to advance its decarbonization goals.”

"While we are in the early days of a long journey and much remains to be done, this technology is one of the many important levers that will be needed, along with many others, including sustainable aviation fuel and increasingly efficient and new technology aircraft, to decarbonize the aviation industry", added Air Canada Senior Director of Environmental Affairs Teresa Ehman.

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