A huge deposit of a crucial material for humanity has been discovered in Norway

Experts recently discovered that in southern Norway there are important amounts of phosphate materials which could be enough to allow us to build electric vehicles and solar panels for the coming century.

Euronews.green reports that Norge Mining discovered the said ore back in 2018 and earlier this year, the company stated that there are around 70 billion tons worth of that material. Rich in phosphorus, the phosphate deposit can be used for many applications, such as building EVs and even to make fertilizers.

Morocco and Iran are two other countries that have important amounts of phosphate in their deposits.

Phosphate-based fertilizer is crucial for the world's supply of food and scientists warn that we would be in danger if we ran out of this resource.

Norge Mining officials claim that the recently discovered deposits in Norway could ease the planet's needs for the next century.

On a global scale, we use around 45 million tons of phosphate every year, experts calculated.

Founder and deputy CEO of Norge Mining, Michael Wurmser said that "when you find something of that magnitude in Europe, which is larger than all the other sources we know - it is significant."

Because processing phosphate can be a carbon-intensive process, experts at the mining company will aim to use carbon capture and storage solutions to mitigate those effects.

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