Japan sells edible insects at vending machines as an alternative food source

A camping facility in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, sells edible insects through vending machines, as the tiny creatures have become a food alternative that might help with solving the food supply issues.

According to Euronews.green, the person that came up with this idea is Osawa Asami, a young entrepreneur that set up the vending machine in the town of Takamori.

"I hope people will feel open to trying it and take it home with them as souvenirs", she stated.

The variety consists of 18 insects, including grasshoppers and crickets, some of which are salted, while others taste like chocolate. Prices range from 6 to 19 euros.

Due to the popularity of the vending machines, Osawa set up another one in the village of Achi.

Edible insects might become part of our menu in the future, as they are a rich protein source and can be raised more sustainably compared to beef and pork.

Data from Meticulous Research shows that the edible insect market will grow from 850 million USD in 2019 to 6.7 billion by 2030.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization predicts that, by 2050, food production worldwide will grow by 70% in order to meet demand for the increase in population.

Globally, some two billion people in 130 countries eat insects with regularity.

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